GingerLee Hooley

Facilities Coordinator
GingerLee Hooley

After attending Appleton Alliance Church for many years, GingerLee joined the AAC staff in a newly developed role as Facility Coordinator. In her new role, GingerLee provides coordination of daily facility use as well as for special events. In addition, she brings staff oversight to the EMRT - Emergency Medical Response Team and works on emergency planning.

GingerLee has over 20 years of experience working with non-profit organizations and churches. Her multi-layered training and experience includes emergency management, disaster and crisis response, church administration, and community service. GingerLee is a Certified Emergency Manager and EMS Service Director with a degree in Ministerial Studies. Adding to her background, she holds numerous FEMA and crisis response certifications. She has been able to help with disaster relief at local, national, and international levels including work in Haiti with Compassion and Mercy Associates (CAMA), the relief arm of The Alliance.

GingerLee’s education has been guided by the desire to minister God’s love to the whole person — serving body, soul, and spirit with mercy and compassion. With AAC’s ever-growing attendance and busy ministry schedule, GingerLee is pleased to see how the Master Planner coordinates things for our good and His glory.

Phone: 920-931-1115


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