Why You Can’t “Cultivate Joy” on Your Own


“Choose joy!”

You’ve heard this phrase before. It’s in podcasts and books. It’s on stickers, t-shirts, and mugs. It’s in text messages from well-meaning friends, and it’s in some churches’ sermons.  

Often, this phrase is thrown out to remind Christians that, thanks to Christ’s sacrifice, they have an eternal reason to be hope-filled and joyful no matter how bleak earthly life gets. That couldn’t be more true. But some people use the phrase to encourage a lifestyle that chases self-fulfillment and prioritizes feelings first. This side of the “choose joy” camp will feed you worldly messages, such as: 

  • “Do what makes you happy.” 

  • “Follow your heart.” 

  • “Cultivate a joyful environment for yourself.” 

These examples illustrate how, when placed in the wrong context, something that sounds right can actually be used to mislead people. This is one of the reasons Christians should continually study God’s Word and grow in knowledge of what He says. When the world twists good ideas into harmful lies, we can always rely on the Bible to understand the truth.  

So what does the Word say about joy, and how does it combat the world’s message?  

  • Joy isn’t just a choice, it’s a gift. One of the main problems with those worldly ideas is that it paints joy as something an individual can pursue independently. They’ll tell you that only you can decide what brings you joy and only you can be responsible for maintaining it. The Bible, however, tells a different story. James 1:17 tells us that every good thing is a gift from God the Father, not of our own creation, and that includes joy. Joy is also a fruit of the Holy Spirit, according to Galatians 5:22. And of course, true and lasting joy comes most of all from understanding the love and sacrifice of the Son, experiencing closeness with God, and becoming more like Jesus in our character (John 15:11). In short, joy simply isn’t something you can grow on your own. It’s a product of the triune God’s active work and presence in our lives, and we owe all evidence of it to Him.  

  • Joy is cultivated among others, not by yourself. Unlike messages that push self-care, self-fulfillment, and self-love, the Bible is clear that true joy is experienced and strengthened in Christ-centered community. In Philippians 2:2, Paul writes to the Christians in Philippi: “complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind” (emphasis added). In other words, he’s saying that he is most filled with joy when he witnesses others growing in their unity and love for one another and becoming more mature disciples of Jesus Christ. That’s a striking contrast to the world’s thinking, which commands people to be in control of their own joy and not leave it up to anyone else. According to the Word, joy is cultivated not with solo meditation, bubble baths, and lattes, but through discipling others and Christian fellowship. 

  • Feelings shouldn’t lead our actions, but rather follow. Most people today believe the primary goal in life is personal happiness, and some people will even try to insist that’s God’s greatest concern too. This idea misses the mark entirely. In Romans 8:29, the Apostle Paul explains that we were “predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son,” meaning our God-given purpose is first and foremost to become more and more like Jesus throughout life. Not to “follow your heart,” but to follow Christ. Not to “do what makes you happy,” but to do what Jesus would. Not to act on your feelings, but to act in service to God. Ultimately, joy will follow obedience based on your love for God and desire to please Him, but in the Bible, feeling happy is never a prerequisite for doing the right thing.  

All in all, feelings of joy won’t be constant in anyone’s life, even in a believer’s. But the more we rely on God, the truths in His Word, and the love of His people, the more we’ll begin to experience consistent, true, and lasting joy. 


Editor's note: This is the first of our new series on joy! Summer is known for being a happy time, but let's also go deeper into the real joy that only God can give!

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