Stand Tall: You are Called


*This article is part two in Elizabeth's devotional series, "Stand Tall". To read the rest of the series, visit Elizabeth's personal blog site.

"When Jesus saw her, he called her forward...." (Luke 13:12)

In a world that normally shunned, ignored, or avoided her, Jesus SAW her.
In a synagogue, which most likely was full of people, Jesus saw HER.

I think most of us at one time or another have felt ignored. Avoided. Maybe even shunned. I know I have. I was so touched by the beautiful way Jesus showed tender love to this woman. His love is a love that sees. But it does not see rank, or prestige, or beauty as the world sees beauty. It does not see riches, or education, or profession. It does not see color, or shape, or health. It sees souls. It sees the children of God. It sees brokenness and need.

Some of us right now may feel like we are in a whirlwind of chaos in a sea of pain, or perhaps just lost in a crowd. And we may be asking: God? Do you even see me? I believe this passage is in part included in the Gospel of John, because God wants us to know that He sees us. He wants to remind us that no matter the crowd, the noise, the population of the world or the circumstances around us....He sees us. Each one of us. He not only sees us, He sees our pain. He sees our soul. He sees what is crippling us.

He sees us even when we are unable to stand tall. 
He sees. And then He calls us. 

Think back (for those of us of a more mature age like myself, we may have to go back awhile) and recall gym class. When two captains were picked for a game of, let's say...dodge ball or floor hockey...they were able to pick their teammates. One captain picked and then the next. Back and forth until all students were on a team. Now, maybe you were blessed with athletic abilities and usually got picked first, but for those of us who were not blessed with those talents, it was quite different. I can recall always being one of the last to get picked. It was one of the things I dreaded in school. Being the last to be seen, the last to be chosen, a "last resort", or just picked because someone had to have you on their team always left a feeling of low value and embarrassment. I imagine the crippled woman could relate to this. That is how she may have felt in a huge crowd. But this crowd was different. In this one, Jesus noticed her. Noticed her and called her to Him. He chose her. He acknowledged her. He loved on her. Because he valued her...

This choosing, this acknowledgement, this loving, is for us too.
Because we are valued by an almighty God.

Jesus calls each one of us from the crowd as well. He is not oblivious to you as you stare at the ground. He is not uninclined to ask you to be on HIS team. 

In this circumstance, Jesus doesn't go to the woman. He calls her to Him instead.

And that is what He is doing for each one of us right now.

He gives us a choice. We can move through the crowd towards Him -perhaps not even knowing what it is that He is going to do or how He is going to do it. OR we can stay right there, melting into the crowd, standing in the same spot and same posture we have been in for the last 18 years. 

We can learn a lot from the choice this woman made. The Biblical text doesn't specifically say she moved towards Him, but we can assume from the text that follows that she did. What do you think it took for her to move forward? Surely, knowing that while usually she seemed invisible, now the eyes of the whole synagogue were on her, it had to have taken courage. Still extremely bent over, her eyes most likely focused on the ground. It had to have seemed like forever to walk through the sea of feet before her. But it was worth it because of the love she heard in our Savior's voice. Most likely she couldn't see His face, but she could hear the tenderness and acceptance in His voice. For the first time in a long time, she most likely felt seen. Felt worthy in a way she never had before.

Whatever is holding you in your low posture right now? It will not stop you from taking a step towards Jesus, even if you are bent at 90 degrees. You don't need to know how to lift your head yet. You don't need to know how to stand tall yet. You don't need to know exactly where you are going. You don't need to know what Jesus is going to do or how he is going to do it. You just need to listen to His voice and take a step toward Him......


1. Think of time you felt unseen by God. Why did you feel unseen? In light of knowing that God does see you, how does that make you feel now?

2. Your story is just as unique as this woman's in Luke 13. Your action may look a little different, but take some time to think about not only what is keeping you "bent over", but what action are you being called to? It may be one that feels uncomfortable...if it is, may I encourage you to think about what you are loosing by staying in that posture and remaining in the crowd vs what you will gain by moving toward Jesus?

3. Is something stopping you from moving toward Jesus? What is it? Why do you think it is stopping you? Do you believe nothing is impossible for God?

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