Celebrating God’s Faithfulness: Behind the Scenes with Vida 


To celebrate is to make the bold declaration that in Jesus we have life and have it abundantly (John 10:10)! 

As we’ve studied the Beatitudes in Women’s Bible study this semester, we’ve seen how the blessing of God flows through the humble, seemingly insignificant moments and relationships – and how trusting in His goodness in the midst of the struggle is a sacrificial, beautiful act of faith. 

And, wow, did the women of Alliance prove God’s faithfulness to me. 

This semester, I had the joy of being the link between Vida pregnancy resource center and Alliance Church. As a resident at Alliance, the church finds me a place to live so I can focus on grad school and working in ministry. When we asked Vida if I could live with their maternity home staff, they said yes without hesitation, sacrificing their space without knowing the blessings that would flow. 

I moved in, managing to fit 8 plants, a shelf of spices, and a ridiculous number of books into my new room. As I arranged and rearranged, I grew more curious why God had put me there. What was my role? How could I contribute?

As a women’s ministry team, we decided to throw a baby shower during our Bible studies for the new maternity home, perhaps as a grand finale at the end of the semester.  

But no, the baby shower was only the beginning. Because I lived onsite, I had first access to the information that the doors to the maternity home would be opening on Oct. 30 - two weeks before we were planning to buy items needed for it. I found myself calling Tera (Alliance’s Women’s Ministry Director) on the way to Bible study asking if it was crazy to make the baby shower earlier. Tera and the whole team rallied and determined the details needed to make it happen... then announced that morning that the maternity home was opening its doors, and we would get to fill it just in time for the mothers.  

And fill it we did! I still can’t believe we cleared out their entire registry! The women of Alliance gave more than $10,000 worth in items and $6,000 in cash, checks, and gift cards. I’m still blown away.  

But along the way, I’ve also been praying for a few long-term connections- for God to put Vida on the hearts of 4-5 women who would keep our church partnered with this beautiful ministry.  

And God multiplied that too. On Thursday morning the second to last week of studies, we put out a new volunteer interest form from Vida – and the stack of 2 dozen papers was gone within minutes. God only knows how the stories of lives changed will continue from here, but I know mine is. 

This whole time I’ve felt like the little boy who gave Jesus his 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. Sending a few emails, working through the awkwardness of making announcements, buying a few pink and blue balloons, and God does this. *Starts tearing up again* 

When we bring the few pieces we have to God, He multiplies it. The smallest, most humble parts of us, the broken fragments we don’t see significance in, become spaces for blessing like we can’t imagine.  

This came at just the right time for me, because I don’t know what I want to do after I graduate grad school in May, and I can very easily spiral into anxiety about the future. God has used this semester partnership to prove that all I need to do is give Him myself. 

And so I celebrate. Not simply because of past and current blessings, but because I know God will be faithful no matter what happens. In Jesus we have eternal life, and that starts now. Let us enter this holiday season of celebration full of confidence that He is the God who turns simple acts of love and gentle trust into something miraculous. 

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