
Ministries: Awana, Children

Since 2014, Discovery Land kids have partnered with Awana International in Burkina Faso, Africa. Because of our students' faithful giving and strong leaders in the field, currently, over 54,000 children attend Awana Clubs in Burkina Faso. This ministry has continued to grow, and as of 2022, some African countries are even asking Awana/Discovery Land to help teach children in their schools. We're just getting started! This year it is our goal to send another $25,000 to Africa by hosting a Verse-A-Thon so more leaders can be trained to effectively teach kids that when the world shakes and breaks, Jesus can be their everything. This time, even more countries will be impacted: Burkina Faso, Botsuana, Eswatini, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Our Awana and Discovery Land students are excited to participate in this project because it gives them the chance to make a difference in the lives of children across the world. Throughout the Verse-A-Thon fundraiser, students are asking for fixed-amount or 'per-verse' donations (based on the total # of Bible verses learned this year through Discovery Land and Awana). No matter how much you contribute, every penny will make a difference!