The Upside Down Kingdom | Women's Bible Study

 When do you feel blessed? 

Is it when there’s a full bank account? When you get a big promotion at work? 

To the world, being blessed may look like having money, power, and success, but God flips those expectations upside down when He describes His kingdom.

Jesus radically says, “Blessed are the poor in spirit…those who mourn…the meek…those who hunger and thirst for righteousness…the merciful…the pure in heart…the peacemakers…and those persecuted" (Matthew 5). Join us this fall as we navigate through each of these declarations with Matt Chandler in an 8-week small group study. Each week will include a video from Matt Chandler, in-class discussion, and an optional devotional to carry you through the week (estimated 1 hour per week of optional devotional work outside of study). 

We look forward to discovering with you what true blessing looks like in light of God’s upside down kingdom.

Register here for one of the following groups:

Cost:   $15  $10 until September 17 at 11:59pm

Financial Assistance: We want Bible Study to be accessible to all women, regardless of cost. If you would like to request financial assistance for study and/or childcare, please CLICK HERE to complete the request form.

Kids' Bible Time: KBT is an extension of Sunday morning Discovery Land curriculum during women's Bible studies. Children may be dropped off 15 minutes before the study and picked up within 15 minutes of the end of the study. KBT is provided on a semester registration basis and is limited due to childcare ratios.