Estate Sale


Read Matthew 6:19-21. “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth…but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven…for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Recently I’ve been thinking of a close friend of mine who passed away a few years ago. I remember seeing her house cleaned out and being prepared for an estate sale. All of her possessions were to be sold. As I sat and watched, I could confidently say that the items on display were not Bernice's treasures. 
While on earth, she stored up her treasures in heaven as she faithfully loved and served the Lord each day of her life. Bernice's estate sale serves as a reminder for each of us to consider where our treasures are being stored. Are we storing our treasures here on earth, or are we storing them where it really counts – heaven? Remember, your heart is where your treasure is. Is your heart set on temporary earthly treasures or is your heart set on things that have eternal value? Someday, each of us will pass on, leaving behind all that we stored up on this earth. We can't take any of it with us.
So, I challenge you to consider this: Where are you storing up your treasure?
Although the Bible doesn't clearly say it is wrong to accumulate wealth, it does caution us regarding our motives. Are we accumulating wealth for our glory, or is it ultimately to be used for God's glory? Each day we are faced with this dilemma. Jesus implores us to live a life focused on eternity. Let's make every effort to live each day for Him with our eternal treasure as the focus.
This week, as you pray and dive into God's Word, dedicate all that you have and all that you do to His glory, and watch Him transform it into treasure that will never fade away. 

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