Obey Christ; Go, and Be


Matthew 28:19-20: “Therefore go and make disciples of all the nations…”


The church has entered a very significant time in its history across the United States. Parking lots are empty on a Sunday morning, the lights have been turned off during the week, and, for the foreseeable future, we will be worshiping the Lord in our homes.


God’s common grace has been extended to us with the invention of the internet, so forms of worship can continue in powerful ways. Unlike the disciples, we have the printed, full counsel of God; His Word. Through the power of the Spirit we can live in His truths and walk in His ways. This type of obedience through faith prepares us for something.


In this time you might be asking yourself, “what should I be doing?” I’m convinced the answer is Obey and Be. There are two things to consider when we looking at Matthew 28:19-20.


First, to be a Christian means that one believes that Jesus is Lord. The lordship of Christ should motivate us towards obedience in response to all that He has done. Notice: that is where we start. It is not where we end. Second, we are to go out into ‘all the world’ and invite people into this reality. Right now, the best thing you can give others, is Christ Himself…in You! It might not be face-to-face, but an encouraging text, handwritten note, phone call, or drive by message can show others the beauty of Christ. Be Encouraged.


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