What’s Your Mission? 


Every good organization or business has a mission. A memorable phrase or idea everyone can recognize and get behind. Some people have even crafted a personal mission statement. Something that helps them focus and guide their plans, decisions, and behaviors. Those things are useful and good, but it’s important to remember that God has also given us a mission statement that applies to every one of us. 
One of the last things Jesus said to His disciples was, “Go and make disciples” (Mat. 28:19).

That’s a command, not a suggestion. 
If you are a little anxious right now about what “going” means, just hang on a minute. God gave us the big picture command to “Go”, but He also created us and gifted us each uniquely. My “going” will look different than your “going”. 
Maybe He wants you to cross the street and invite the grumpy neighbor over for dessert.  

     Maybe He wants you to mow her lawn. 
Maybe He wants you to step up in a church ministry in a bigger way.  

     You know the need is there, but you’ve been hesitating. 
Maybe He wants you to change jobs, to willingly enter into a dark place to shine His light. 

     Maybe He wants you out of your comfort-zone. 
Maybe He wants you to start a new ministry to meet a need in your community. 

     Cross-culture can mean across town. 
Maybe He wants you to “go” by “sending” others.

     Prayer, encouragement, and financial support are essential to “Go-ers”. 
On the other hand, don’t assume you're not the one to “GO” cross-culturally in a big way. I never expected God to ask me to move 5000 miles, leaving my mid-life, middle-class comfort zone. But that’s what He asked me to do. He is asking something of you too... you just have to ask Him.  
You see, God’s mission statement is twofold: the “big picture” command to “go” and a specific plan for each of us based on our unique gifting. There is a beautiful unity in diversity when we are serving God alongside one another as He designed. 
1 Corinthians 12 explains how we are each gifted by the Holy Spirit. Each of our gifts are beautiful, and we should have “no division... but have equal concern for each other” (1 Cor 12:25). 
It’s not a competition. In fact, we can do so much more when we appreciate our differences and work together for His mission. 1 Corinthians 12 compares a healthy church fellowship to a body. We are all part of the same body, but each part has a special job. We can’t function properly without each part! The best part is that God “placed the parts in the body, every one of them.” He specially gifted you to do His work in the world and as part of the body of Christ. 
Maybe you’re wondering, what’s my place in the body? How can God use me for His mission? I’m not sure what I have to offer
That’s a great place to be. 
Ask God to show you, and He will. Maybe it won’t be a giant billboard or a dramatic reveal. Often, He asks us to take one simple step of faith at a time as we follow Him.  
Get quiet. 
Feast on His word. 
Pray whole-heartedly for wisdom. 
Worship with abandon. 
Seek wise counsel. 
Take bold steps of faith to follow Him! 

Do you know that you are called on a special mission? 

In Matthew 28:19, Jesus says, “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Woah. That’s a huge assignment, but did you catch that last part? Christ tells us He’s with us on our mission. Not only that, but we’re on this mission together as a Church family.

This month, Alliance Church celebrates this mission with Global Connections week, and our Women’s Blog authors will also be sharing on the theme of mission. Don’t miss out on events like our Women’s Global Impact Luncheon and check back here for mission articles being posted throughout March.

-Becca Fulcer Adult Ministries Program Coordinator


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